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ku juga punya hati. Tapi hati itu aku sorokkan di satu sudut jauh dalam jasad ini supaya mereka tidak menyedari akan kewujudannya."-SarahDanielle-

18 November, 2011


I just finished cleaning myself a while ago, including cleaning the bathroom. It was a pleasure to see everything is clean. I feel calm there. In the bathroom, under the shower, I keep thinking, im a bit worried about something, something that used to happen to the people, the disease .. I always worry about my hair loss. Day by day it's getting worse. I can't answer when people asked me why my hair seems to have many small hair-like "hair itch". I have asked my aunt, and she said it was a new hair begins to grow, can't imagine how much hair I had lost ... im very worried. besides, I always had a headache, at first I thought it was migraines. But doctors say that I didn't experience any symptoms of that disease. Is it normal? Is it because im too much put myself under pressure? Urgh == "


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